Saturday, September 22, 2012

Facing A Trial In Jesus Name

          Welcome! I know it has been a while since I last posted a blog. I have been pretty busy. School just started last month, and as a Sophomore in high school I have a lot going on. Homework.. etc, etc. But, anyways God has worked a lot out in my life ever since I last wrote a blog, which was last year in October.
           My sister received the Holy Ghost at the Holiday Youth Convention in Dec. of last year. It was one of those moments that just made the rest of my year! :D Then this year in August of 2012 my best friend Katie and her mom Emily were baptized in Jesus Name! How exciting!!
          Now that I look back at my life as an Apostolic girl for almost a year and a half now, I have been through a lot. Only because I know that I am growing stronger and stronger every time I face a trial and win in the glorious name of Jesus!! When we fight a trial or temptation, we should do it in Jesus name, just because we know that when we do anything in Jesus name we will overcome it! He turns our mourning into dancing, our sorrow into joy! He is amazing and I will never forget what he has done for me!!
           I hope you have a blessed day to all those who are reading this. And, remember Jesus loves you!!! :D

Saturday, October 22, 2011

       Have you ever felt like you couldn't take a horrible situation any longer? Have you had moments were you held stuff in, and then blows you top off when you can't hold it in any longer?
      Well I have been there. I have once began to get aggravated/ upset and I sat in my closet and cried and wept before the Lord! I feel as if when I do this I become more stronger and more wiser in the situation that I am facing. 
      When you get to that point of being "out of control", just remember God is always there for you. He always has a greater plan than anyone else. You can plead the Blood of Jesus over your mind, rebuke Satan out of your situation, bind any evil spirit in the name of Jesus. Always remember God has never left your side, just call his name out and he will guide you through every step that comes your way
     I cannot count the number of times, I have fallen down, went down the wrong path, and almost lost a battle, and then God just picks me right back up again! :) He always knows what to do, and what to say when a situation is bad. So, just a little word of encouragement from your sis., Praise God no matter what you go through in life, because it just gets you one step CLOSER with your father above! :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Having That Wonderful Love for God.

Having a love for God is not always that simple, you can't just say "O' God I love you so much!" You have to truly mean it with all of your heart, mind, body and soul.
       It can lead to many blessings and/or answered prayers. My love for God is impossible to explain! I love Him with all my heart, mind, body and soul! He is the number one priority in my life. You see, God is Love and for us to have a love for him, we must honor, respect and obey his word! We must put all of our faith and all of our trust in him, TOTALLY, COMPLETELY! With NO empty spots in our bodies that tell us we don't fully have trust or faith in him or his word.
        There is a scripture in the bible that says " And we have known and believed the love of God hath to us. God is love; and he hath dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. " 1 John 4: 16 It is saying whoever dwells upon the Lord with ALL love should have a complete and holy love for God. He is the root to all things. God could make you have the most wonderful, fantastic days in the world or the worst day of your life. He is giving you a test to show how much you really love him and how much you mean to him.
        You see here, you have to show God that you really love him with all of your heart and that when you say that you "love" him, that you really mean it. Your steps of Faith with God could overflow your love for him!
        I once wrote a note to God about my love for him. I poured my heart out on each page!  I wrote how much I loved him, and how much love can sometimes be overdue. I spoke what was in soul, and how love should overflow the world! : ] I felt as if I was explaining the days when the world had just begun. It was just simply amazing.
         If you feel like writing one day, write a note to God. Tell him how much you love him and how much he means to you! Tell him thank you for all he has done for you whether it be good, or bad.  I mean just imagine all the love he has for us.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Becoming a TRUE believer of Jesus Christ.

I, Alyssa Marie Hornsby was born on May 8, 1997. In Lexington, Kentucky a follower of Christ was born! My parents brought me up in a Baptist church, and always told me and my siblings, "unless someone is sick or in the hospital, we will not miss one service of church." I grew up with a love for God! I always felt as if I was missing something but never knew what it was until the day came. My family and I moved to Taylorsville, Ky in 2009. A year came to pass when my family was invited to church by members of House of Prayer Apostolic Church. I felt like this was what I was waiting for, and it was. I knew that when I walked in those doors it would be much, much different then any other church I had attended. My life felt almost complete, but not yet. The church was loving and full of a wonderful and unexplainable spirit! In the month of March my dad and I were baptized in Jesus Name and my dad was filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I thought to myself one day after my baptism, " why was it when I was baptized, I didn't speak in other tongues?"  I looked at many different verses. One of them I looked at was Acts 2: 38 "  Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. " I came to a conclusion, I didn't repent of my sins fully. I still had guilt and sorrow from my past experiences. Two months went by, and I was praying on the side my bed, I prayed for forgiveness of all my sins and that I will not do any of those sins again. The next thing I know the Holy Ghost poured out on me. I began to speak in tongues and gave praises to God. I thought to myself the next day about what had really happened, then I realized I spoke in tongues. The word began to spread and it was amazing!! I then felt my life was slowly coming together better then before! I was speaking in tongue almost every service and was quickly understanding more and more as the days went by. I began to tell my friends and they thought I was " weird", but no I am not weird. I am just ME! : ]